Real Estate Manager Dale Shin Joins Coreland Companies


Coreland Companies, celebrating its 30th anniversary, is pleased to announce that Dale Shin recently joined the company as Real Estate Manager. Shin will oversee a commercial real estate portfolio featuring grocery-anchored, mixed-use and main street retail destinations across Los Angeles County.

For nearly 20 years, Mr. Shin has amassed real estate experience as both a property manager and broker of retail, office and residential properties. Among his past roles, Mr. Shin spent seven years with Centers Business Management managing more than 330,000 square feet and 200-plus retail and office tenants. He also served as Assistant Manager at Mid Valley Management, supporting the daily operations of more than 500,000 square feet of office buildings, industrial parks and retail centers.

Mr. Shin holds a California Department of Real Estate Broker license and spent two years selling and leasing residential properties on behalf of Coldwell Banker Realty.

He possesses a Certified Property Manager (CPM) accreditation from the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) and a Certified Shopping Center Manager (CSM) designation from the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC). Mr. Shin earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Creative Writing from Carnegie Mellon University.